报告题目: PredictiveAnalyticsandShip-then-ShopSubscription
报告时间:2022年3月30日(周三) 9:00--10:30
腾讯会议: ID 242-882-810
报告人: 刘其宏 (俄克拉荷马大学经济系教授)
刘其宏,美国俄克拉荷马大学经济系正教授(终身教职) ,2003 年纽约州立大学获得经济学博士学位,其主要研究领域 是平台和双边市场、航空业和定价策略,曾在Review of Economics and Statistics, European Economic Review, Journal of Industrial Economics, Canadian Journal ofEconomics, Strategic Management Journal, Marketing Science 等刊物上发表 30 篇论文。他的研究被 Bloomberg, Forbes, Harvard Business 等主流媒体引用。 现任 Information Economics and Policy 杂志副主编,Journal of Media Economics 杂志编委。担任留美经济学会候任主席(2021-2022),曾任 China Economic Review 杂志特刊特邀编辑。
This paper studies an emerging subscription model called ship-then-shop. Leveraging its predictive analytics tools, the firm curates and ships a product to the consumer, after which the consumer shops (i.e., evaluate product fit and make purchase decision). The consumer first pays the upfront ship-then-shop subscription fee prior to observing product fit, and then pays the product price if she decides to purchase after realizing product fit. We analyze how the firm balances the subscription fee and product price to maximize its profit in the presence of consumer’s service free-riding behaviors. In particular, we focus on how AI prediction capability affects its pricing strategies. Our model generates rich insights regarding firm’s prediction capability, search friction, and their interactions on the profitability of the ship-then-shop model.