报告题目:To Tolerate or Not: How Does Power Distance Belief Affect Price Sensitivity?
报告人:Dr. Huachao Gao
工作单位:加拿大维多利亚大学 (University of Victoria)
This article examines how consumers’ cultural value of power distance belief (PDB), which refers to individual consumers’ acceptance of and expectations for power disparity in social interaction, affects their price sensitivity. Focusing on consumer reactions to price increases, we propose that high-PDB consumers are less price sensitive or react less negatively to price increases than low-PDB consumers. This phenomenon occurs because consumers in general tend to view price increases as unfair. In addition, as high-PDB consumers are more tolerant of unfairness than their low-PDB counterparts, they are likely to accept unfair price increases and thus show lower price sensitivity. Convergent evidence across five different studies with both secondary and experimental data, student and nonstudent samples, and different operationalizations of the key variables supports the effect of PDB on price sensitivity and the proposed mediator of tolerance of unfairness (TOU). Furthermore, price increase attribution and ego depletion are identified as boundary conditions. This research not only contributes to the price sensitivity and cross-cultural consumer literature in several ways but also provides practical implications for global firms’ pricing strategies.
主题:To Tolerate or Not: How Does Power Distance Belief Affect Price Sensitivity?
主讲人:Dr. Huachao Gao
日期:星期四, 25 七月 2019