

姓 名朱潇璇

职 称讲师
职 务
邮 箱emmazxx@hfut.edu.cn
电 话

1. 学科领域☆市场营销☆工商管理


香港城市大学市场营销博士2013.09 - 2017.08

中国科学技术大学工商管理博士2012.09 - 2017.06

安徽农业大学金融学本科2008.09 - 2012.07


太阳成集团tyc9728讲师2017.07 – 至今


as principal investigator

ü“Research on the relationship between coupled open innovation and firm performance: from DEA and trade-off analysis perspective”, JZ2018HGBZ0093, the Start-up Grant, Hefei University of Technology.

ü“Research on the dilemma of open innovation: from performance evaluation and resource configuration perspective”, JS2019HGXJ0022, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central University

as project participant

·Hong Kong General Research Fund

üProject No. CityU 191113 Do Better-than-Fair Rewards Pay Off? An Examination of Distributors’ Responses to Favorably Unfair Rewards

üProject No. CityU 11506415 Being Secure While Being Dependent: Dependence Balancing Strategies for Weaker Partners in Channel Relationships 

  üProject No. CityU 11501114 Too hurry to decide: A “big data” investigation of antecedents and consequences of bidder decision quality in fast live auctions


1.Zhu X, Xiao Z, Dong M C, Gu J. (2019). The fit between firms’ open innovation and business model for new product development speed: a contingent perspective[J], Technovation, in press, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.technovation.2019.05.005.  .

2.Xiao, Z, Dong, M. C., Zhu X*. (2019). Learn to be good or bad? Revisited observer effects of punishment: curvilinear relationship and network contingencies[J]. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 34(4), 754-766.

3.Ning W, Ting Z, Fan X, Zhu X (2018). Game Theoretic Analysis for Advertising in Dual-Channel Supply Chains [J]. International Journal of Production Research, in press, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00207543.2018.1540894.

4.Zhu, X, Dong, M. C, Gu, J, Dou, W. (2017). How do informal ties drive open innovation? The contingency role of market dynamism. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 64(2), 208-219.

4.Zhu M, Zhu X* (2011). The input and output efficiency of industrial projects, evidence from land utilization [J] (in Chinese). Resources & Industries, 13(1):142-146.

1.Xiaoxuan Zhu, Maggie Dong, Jibao Gu, Wenyu Dou. (2017). How do informal ties drive open innovation? The contingency role of market dynamism [J]. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 64(2):208-219. (SCI/SSCI/SCIE)

2.Xiaoxuan Zhu. (2017). How do informal ties drive open innovation? The contingency role of market dynamism. The 28th Production and Operations Management Society Annual Conference (POMs 2017), Bellevue, Seattle, Washington, United State.

3.Xiaoxuan Zhu, Maggie Dong, Wenyu Dou. (2015). How do informal ties drive open innovation? The contingency role of market dynamism. China Marketing International Conference (CMIC 2015), Xi’an, China.

Xiaoxuan Zhu, Wenyu Dou. (2015). Open innovation, the role of managerial and university ties in facilitating innovation practice among Chinese firms. 9th PhD Student Workshop, Suzhou, China.


担任期刊Technovation, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management期刊同行审稿人

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