教育经历 | 2013.09 - 2014.09 美国Worcester Polytechnic Institute 访问学者 2002.09 - 2007.07 中国科学技术大学 管理学博士 1996.09 - 2000.07 长江大学 经济学学士 | 工作经历 | 太阳成集团tyc9728 教 授 2015.01 - 至 今 太阳成集团tyc9728 副教授 2009.12 - 2014.12 太阳成集团tyc9728 讲 师 2007.07 - 2009.12 | 科研项目 | 1. 动态环境下决策单元效率评价方法与应用研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2015.01 - 2018.12,主持 2. 基于环保效率的区域典型环保决策问题研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2010.01 - 2013.12,主持 | 研究成果 | 在国内外学术期刊发表论文60余篇,其中SSCI/SCI检索20余篇,代表性成果如下: 21. An extension on super slacks-based measure DEA approach (with Y. Chen and L. Liang), Annals of Operations Research, 2017, pp. 1-21. 20. Allocation of emission permits based on DEA and production stability (with X. Zhang and M. Yang), Information Systems and Operational Research, 2017, pp. 1-10. 19. Centralized fixed cost and resource allocation considering technology heterogeneity: a DEA approach (with T. Ding and Y. Chen), Annals of Operations Research, 2017, PP. 1-15. 18. Does the Central Government’s environmental policy work? Evidence from the provincial-level environment efficiency in China (with Q. Xia and M. Li), Sustainability, 2016, Vol. 8, No. 12, pp. 1241. 17. Can Relationship Bring More Provision in Rural Public Goods? (with Y. Wang and Q. Liu), Chinese Agriculture Economics Review, 2017, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 48-61. 16. Multiple Attribute Decision Making Based on Cross-Evaluation with Uncertain Decision Parameters (with T Ding and M. Yang), Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016, No. 2, pp. 1-10. 15. Measuring performance of sustainable manufacturing with recyclable wastes: A case from China’s iron and steel industry (with K. Lv and L. Liang), OMEGA-International Journal of Management Science, 2017, Vol. 66, pp. 38-47. 14. A radial framework for estimating the efficiency and returns to scale of a multi-component production system in DEA (with J. Ding and C. Feng), in “Handbook of Operations Analytics Using Data Envelopment Analysis", Editor: *******, to be published by Springer (target year 2016). 13. Frontier Projection and Efficiency Decomposition in Two-stage Processes with Slacks-based Measures (with Y. Chen, Y. Li and L. Liang), European Journal of Operational Research, 2016, Vol. 250, No. 2, pp. 543-554. 12. Total-factor energy efficiency evaluation of Chinese industry by using two-stage DEA model with shared inputs (with J. Wu, B. Xiong and Q. An), Annals of Operations Research, 2017, Vol. 255, No. (1-2), pp. 257-276. 11. Misreporting behavior in iterated prisoner’s dilemma game with combined trust strategy (with B. Chen and B. Zhang), International Journal of Systems Science, 2015, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 31-43. 10. Measuring efficiency of recycling systems based on DEA network: A case from Chinese provincial circular economy (with Y. Liu and Q. Xia), Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2014, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 1087-1102. 9. A DEA-based measurement of effectiveness of provincial image advertisement for local tourism destination: Evidence from China (with Y. Liu and D. Zhuang), International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 2014, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 192-206. 8. DEA with missing data: A multiple linear regression analysis approach (with Y. Chen and Y. Li), International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 2014, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 137-153. 7. Effectiveness of the policy of circular economy in China: A DEA-based analysis for the period of 11th Five-Year-Plan (with Y. Shi and Q. Xia), Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2014, Vol. 8, pp. 163-175. 6. Ranking and benchmarking of the Asia Games achievements based on DEA (with B. Chen and Q. Xia), Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 2013, Vol. 30, No. 06, 1350028-1-20. 5. Proportional sharing and DEA in allocating the fixed cost (with X. Si, L. Liang and Y. Li), Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2013, Vol. 213, pp. 6580-6590. 4. A DEA based approach for fair reduction and reallocation of emission permits (with S. Du and L. Liang), Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2013, Vol. 58, pp. 1095-1101. 3. Comparative analysis of underdeveloped tourism destinations’ choice of cooperation modes: a tourism supply-chain model (with J. Dong, Y. Shi and L. Liang), Tourism Economics, 2012, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 1377-1399. 2. Efficiency assessment of Chinese logistics firms using DEA (with J. Wu, L. Liang and Y. Li), International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 2012, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 212-234. 1. Is performance driven by industry effects or firm effects? An empirical research on the listed companies in China by variance components analysis (with J. Gu and K. Guan), International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organizations, 2010, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 366-380. | 获奖荣誉 | 1.A DEA based approach for fair reduction and reallocation of emission permits, 第八届安徽省自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖 | 社会兼职 | 1. 国际学术期刊《Journal of Modelling in Management》编委 2. 国家自然科学基金项目函评专家、中国留美经济学会副会长(2017-2018)、安徽省城市经济学会副会长、安徽省互联网金融学会理事等 3. 受邀担任OMEGA-International Journal of Management Science, Chinese Agriculture Economics Review, Sustainability, Internal Journal of Production Economics, Energy Policy, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Sustainable Society, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, Tourism Economics, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Computers & Industrial Engineering,《中国软科学》,《系统工程理论与实践》,《中国管理科学》等多家学术期刊匿名审稿人。
| 其他信息 | 硕士、博士招生要求 强烈的读博意愿,以从事科研为职业导向;性格上要求诚实乐观、敢想敢干;具有良好的数理功底与英语能力,对数量经济学、资源环境经济学、创新经济学、生产经济学有浓厚的兴趣。
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